Winter Blues

 I am so glad that winter is just about over. I look forward to warmer temperatures so that I can take some more day trips. I don't do too much in the winter because I don't enjoy being out in cold temperatures for too long of a period so I have to find indoor activities. I would love to travel to warmer places if only I had more money to do that. as the saying goes...

I plan to resume my day trips in April so now is the time to start planning. I love to plan trips. Planning is a big part of the fun in traveling for me. Today I start to plan out my trip to Maine with two main destinations of Portland and then Bar Harbor. This trip will be more like a 4 day trip. If you have ever been please leave me a comment with suggestions of places to go sightseeing and places to eat. 
I believe the big reason I don't do much in the winter is that I love trips that involve being by the water and it is much to cold near the ocean in winter. 

I'll be back again with my posts all about Maine. 


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